Ramadan 2020/1441 هـ & Eid ul-Fitr 2020/1441 هـ Dates

The Scottish Hilal Forum (SHF) has announced Ramadan and Eid dates for 2020 under the supervision of Ulama in line with agreed Islamic criteria and including data from Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (British Observatory).

Based on the agreed criteria:

The first day of Ramadan 2020/1441 هـ will be on Saturday, 25th of April 2020 and
Eid ul-Fitr will be on Sunday, 24th of May 2020 insha Allah.

The Muslim community in Scotland has faced confusion for many years regarding the starting of Ramadan and Eid. This has resulted in severe difficulties for students, employees and the self-employed who could not take time off from work or from educational institutions due to the wait for last minute confirmation of Eid day.

SHF, by Ulama agreeing on Islamic and Scientific criteria, has been able to announce the required dates ahead of time, allowing the community to plan ahead while keeping united.

Scottish Hilal Forum agreed that the Shara’i new month is ascertained if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The conjunction must have actually occurred.
  2. The moonset follows sunset.
  3. The visibility falls either in Category A or B or C for either Makkah, or any city in the UK or any city in North, North West, West, South and South West African countries.
  4. The city that is chosen in the regions/ counties mentioned above in the point 3 for the start of Hijri month must be same for the end of Hijri month.

 Ramadan 2020/1441 هـ
We can safely determine Saturday, 25th of April 2020 as the 1st of Ramadan 1441 هـ. According to Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO), the visibility falls in category ‘A’ for many countries on 24th of April 2020:

Thursday, 23 April 2020 Friday, 24 April 2020
City Visibility Lag time (minutes) Visibility Lag time (minutes)
Makkah F 23 A 73
Rabat F 28 A 84
Cape Town – South Africa F 30 A 63
Johannesburg – South Africa F 29 A 64
Dakar – Senegal E 31 A 80
Accra – Ghana E 29 A 75
Freetown – Sierra Leone E 31 A 78
London F 23 A 90
Glasgow F 23 A 94

 It should be noted that the moon will be born on 23rd April 2020 but according to the British Observatory, it will be in Categories of ‘E’ or ‘F’ for the cities/ countries listed above, which means it will be below the Danjon limit, not visible even with the help of a telescope.

Eid ul-Fitr 2019/1440 هـ
Similarly, we can safely determine Sunday, 24th of May 2020 as the 1st of Shawwal 1441 هـAccording to Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO), the visibility falls in categories ‘A’ or ‘B’ in most countries on 23th May 2020:

Friday, 22 May 2020 Saturday, 23 May 2020
City Visibility Lag time (minutes) Visibility Lag time (minutes)
Makkah B 44
Rabat  F -6 B 52
Cape Town D 41
Johannesburg C 41
Dakar – Senegal  F -1 A 52
Accra – Ghana  F -2 B 48
Freetown – Sierra Leone  F -1 A 50
London F -14 D 54
Glasgow F -17 E 55

 It should be noted that the moon will be born on 22nd May 2020 but according to the British Observatory, it will be in Category ‘F’ for the cities/ countries listed above, which means it will be below the Danjon limit, not visible even with the help of a telescope.

1st Ramadan 2019/هـ1440 will be on Monday, 6 May 2019 and Eid ul-Fitr will be on Wednesday, 5 June 2019, insha Allah.

Jama’at Ahl-e-Sunnat, UK and the Scottish Hilal Forum (SHF) announce the start of Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr dates for 2019, under the supervision of Ulama and in line with agreed Islamic criteria and including data from Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (British Observatory).  

Based on this agreed criteria, Insha Allah:

The first day of Ramadan 2019/1440 AH will be on Monday, 6th of May 2019, and

Eid ul-Fitr will be on Wednesday, 5th of June 2019.  

The Muslim community in the UK have faced confusion for many years regarding the start of Ramadan and Eid dates, resulting in severe difficulties for students, employees and the self-employed who could not take time off from work or from educational institutions due to the wait for last minute confirmation of Eid day.

In the light of clear instructions in the Qur’an and Sunnah and the interpretations and commentaries of the majority of the four prominent jurists, the Islamic scholars have concluded that in the modern age, information and knowledge gathered through astronomical calculations have reached the degree of certainty. For that reason, our prayer times, as well as Suhur and Iftar times, completely rely upon observatory data.

The Ulama of Jama’at Ahl-e-Sunnat and SHF, by agreeing on Islamic and scientific criteria, for the sake of public convenience, have been able to announce the required dates ahead of time, allowing the community to plan ahead while keeping united.

Eid ul-Adha will be on Wednesday, 22nd of August 2018/هـ1439 insha Allah.

The Scottish Hilal Forum (SHF) has announced Eid ul Adha date for 2018 under the supervision of Ulama in line with agreed Islamic criteria and including data from Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (British Observatory).

Based on the agreed criteria:

Eid ul-Adha will be on Wednesday, 22nd of August 2018/هـ1439 insha Allah.

SHF, by Ulama agreeing on Islamic and Scientific criteria, has been able to announce the required dates ahead of time, allowing the community to plan ahead while keeping united.

Scottish Hilal Forum agreed that the Shara’i new month is ascertained if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The conjunction must have actually occurred.
  2. The moonset follows sunset.
  3. The visibility falls either in Category A or B or C for either Makkah, or any city in the UK or any city in North, North West, West, South and South West African countries.
  4. The city that is chosen in the regions/ counties mentioned above in the point 3 for the start of Hijri month must be same for the end of Hijri month.

We can safely determine Wednesday, 22nd  of August 2018 as the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah ذو الحجة‎ هـ1439According to Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO), the visibility falls in the following categories on 12th August 2018:

City                                                                  Visibility         Lag time (minutes)

Makkah                                                                 A                      63

Rabat                                                                     A                      64

Cape Town – South Africa                          A                      81

Dakar – Senegal                                               A                      73

Accra – Ghana                                                   A                      74

Freetown – Sierra Leone                              A                      75

London                                                                   B                      51

Glasgow                                                                 B                      46

It should be noted that the moon will be born on 11th August 2018 but according to the British Observatory, it will be in Category F for the cities/ countries listed above, which means it will be below the Danjon limit, not visible even with the help of a telescope.

Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO) has categorised the visibility of the moon as follows:

A. Easily visible
B. Visible under perfect conditions
C. May need optical aid to find the crescent Moon
D. Will need optical aid to find the crescent Moon
E. Not visible with a telescope
F. Not visible, below the Danjon limit

The following mosques and centres are agreed with the Scottish Hilal Forum’s criteria:

  1. Minhaj ul Qur’an International – Glasgow
  2. Al-Furqan Mosque – UKIM – Glasgow
  3. Jamia Islamia – Tantallon Road – Glasgow
  4. Zia-ul-Qur’an – Glasgow
  5. Hamilton Islamic Centre – Hamilton
  6. Airdrie Islamic Centre – Airdrie
  7. Coatbridge Islamic Centre – Coatbridge
  8. Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) – Glasgow
  9. Masjid-e-Bilal, Dundee
  10. Somali Muslim Community (SMC) – Glasgow
  11. Salahuddin Mosque and Islamic Centre – Glasgow
  12. Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre
  13. The Leaf Network, UK

Statement on Start of Ramadan and Eid Dates

The Muslim community in Scotland has faced confusion for a number of years with regard to determining the start of Ramadan and Eid dates. This resulted in severe difficulties for students, employees in the public and private sector and even the self-employed.

Most Muslims falling in one or the other of these categories have not been able to take a day off from work or from their educational institutions to celebrate Eid due to receiving last minute confirmation as to the date of the Eid day. Even the self-employed, such as shopkeepers could not inform their suppliers and customers in advance as to which day they would be closed due to last minute decision on Eid dates. As a result many in the community suffer anxiety and uncertainty due to the supposed unpredictability of important religious festivals such as Eid.

This situation arises because sighting of the new moon is mostly not possible in Scotland due to the weather conditions and Scotland’s northern location on the globe. Traditionally, groups of Islamic Scholars, Imams and mosque committees often have to wait until the last minute of the last night of the Islamic month to receive sighting reports from Middle Eastern and African countries before they could announce the first day of Ramadan and Eid. The disagreements among decision makers to follow the moon sighting report from either one or the other country often led the Muslims residing even next door to each other in Scotland, to start their Ramadan and celebrate their Eid on different days. The decision makers did not take advantage of the most advanced scientific knowledge and astronomical calculations available to them, either due to their own lack of understanding, or due to mistrust of the available scientific data.

The scholars of Islamic Law (Shari’ah) have been striving, during recent years, to find a solution to these issues in the light of Islamic principles and additionally benefiting from astronomical calculations. All this in order to reach a consensus for determining the dates for the start and end of Ramadan and thereby creating unity on these dates among Muslims living in this part of the world, as a solution to our problem of reliable determination of the dates of Ramadan start and Eid.

The Scottish Hilal Forum (SHF) is pleased to announce the following conclusion under the supervision of Ulama from various backgrounds. They will use Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (British Observatory) calculations leading to six levels of visibility of moon as follows:
A. Easily visible
B. Visible under perfect conditions
C. May need optical aid to find the crescent Moon
D. Will need optical aid to find the crescent Moon
E. Not visible with a telescope
F. Not visible, below the Danjon limit

By using this grading as per the observatory, the following criteria were agreed:

1) The conjunction must have occurred
2) The moonset follows sunset
3) The visibility of the moon falls either in Category A or B or C for either Makkah, or any city in the UK or any city in North West, West, South and South West African countries.
4) The city that is chosen in the regions/ counties mentioned above in the point 3 for the start of Ramadan must be same for the end of Ramadan.

On the basis of this agreed criteria: Insha Allah

The first day of Ramadan 2017/1438 AH will be on Saturday 27th of May.
The Eid Al’fitr will be on Sunday the 25th of June 2017/1438AH.

NOTE: The SHF has already presented these criteria to various mosques and Madrassas. However, the SHF is willing to make detailed presentation on these criteria anywhere throughout Scotland via Skype or other available methods. We pray to Allah almighty for the unity and facility of the Muslim community in Scotland, Ameen.